Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oodles of DoodleyDoos!

I'm so so so pleased with my coloring books! I wish there was a way where you all could see them in person. I'm so happy with the quality and with the doodles that made Volume I!

These coloring books make me realize I REALLY need to do some craft shows. I can say how much work I put in. I can say how amazing they turned out. I can talk and talk and talk but I really think a person would be impressed with this handmade coloring book if they could just take a moment to flip through it.

I know it sounds weird, but a lot of times when I make something, I step back and think to myself, "Whoa that's really cool. Did I do that?" I love that feeling. That feeling of being in awe of myself. What other greatest fan can you have besides yourself? I mean really you're with yourself all the time lol.

I hope I'm not coming off as conceited. I'm far from that. I am just humbly proud of myself. This outlet of doodling and ink pens and even the scanning and printing and binding...but mostly the doodling, my Copic Liner Pens, and a certain kind of No. 2 pencils...ahhhh just pure bliss.

I also just received some Promarkers in the mail today and I'm quite impressed. I still want all Copic markers, but I'm hoping the Promarkers and I will form a wonderful relationship and help take HinckleDoodle to a new realm! 

I want to make bookmarks, greeting cards, stickers, prints, etc...It's "easier" (I guess you could say) to be able to offer these sort of products. It takes so much more time and effort for me to sew a masterpiece than it does to draw one. Not saying that you get any less quality. It's just a different process. 

I'm excited for this new venture and hope you all will grab a coloring book today! I tried to make them as affordable as possible. I'm still searching for other suppliers too to maybe be able to knock a couple dollars off in the future :) 

And maybe to entice you a little bit more...here's another page from Volume I that hasn't been shown to the masses yet :) 

THANKS for reading!!!

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